
Personalized Training Plans

We understand that every runner is different, with diverse goals and abilities. We take the time to assess your current fitness level, analyze your running history and future aspirations, and consider your lifestyle factors. This comprehensive understanding allows us to create a training plan that is specifically tailored to your needs. Whether you are a beginner looking to complete your first 5K or a seasoned athlete aiming for a personal best in a marathon, our plan will perfectly match your individual requirements.

Expert guidance

Our highly qualified coach brings a wealth of experience and expertise to guide you through your training journey. We stay up-to-date with the latest research and trends in running, ensuring that your plan is based on evidence-based principles and tailored to maximize your results. With our coaches by your side, you can trust that you are receiving top-notch guidance from professionals who truly understand the sport.

Continuous Support

Throughout the duration of your training plan, we offer ongoing support to keep you motivated and on track. You will have regular check-ins with your coach to discuss your progress, address any concerns, and make necessary adjustments to your training plan. We understand that life can be unpredictable, and circumstances may change. Our coaches are flexible and adaptable, ready to provide alternative solutions whenever needed.

Ready to join the Club?


1. What is running coaching?

Running coaching is a personalized training program designed to help individuals improve their running performance, achieve their goals, and prevent injuries. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced runner, a running coach can provide guidance, support, and expertise to help you reach your full potential.

2. Why should I hire a running coach?

Hiring a running coach can offer numerous benefits. A coach can provide personalized training plans tailored to your specific needs, goals, and abilities. They can help you avoid overtraining and injury by ensuring you follow a structured training program. Additionally, a coach can offer guidance on proper running techniques, nutrition, strength training, and recovery strategies.

3. How does the coaching process work?

The coaching process typically begins with an initial consultation, where you discuss your goals, running history, and any previous injuries. Based on this information, the coach will create a customized training plan for you. Regular communication is essential, usually through phone calls, emails, or online platforms. The coach will review your progress, adjust the plan as needed, provide motivation and advice, and answer any questions you may have.

4. How often should I expect to communicate with my coach?

The frequency of communication depends on the coach and the program you choose. However, most coaches provide ongoing support and feedback throughout the week. This could include weekly check-ins, reviewing workout logs, analyzing race performances, and answering questions. The coach will ensure you stay on track and make adjustments to your training plan if necessary.

5. Can a running coach help me improve my race performance?

Yes, absolutely! One of the primary roles of a running coach is to help you improve your race performance. They will analyze your race goals and design a training plan that includes personalized workouts, long runs, speed work, and tapering strategies. The coach will guide you through training cycles, monitor your progress, and offer race-specific advice to help you achieve your desired results.

6. How long should I work with a running coach?

The duration of your coaching journey depends on your goals and needs. Some runners seek short-term coaching for a specific race or event, while others prefer long-term coaching for ongoing support and improvement. It is essential to discuss your expectations and goals with your coach to determine the most suitable coaching

“Stress and Rest and Replenish, then Progress”

— Tommy Rivs